


台灣科技大學 何宏利
銘傳大學 李嘉理
國立嘉義大學 林福嬌
淡江大學 魏美香
明志科技大學 蔡玉萱
國立政治大學 侯美蓮
國立政治大學 林柔含
銘傳大學 李悅恩
台灣科技大學 陳勤慧
台灣科技大學 陳俞縕
國立台灣大學 梁偉尹
國立台灣大學 白碧蓮
輔仁大學 羅水晶


哈迪:東爪哇省啟動引擎 拚經濟

作者:文 方文章 圖 周伶繁
  東爪哇省長提出土地的取得、豐沛的人力、充足的電力與簡便的投資審批等4大承諾,展現歡迎外商參與該省蓬勃經濟與商機的誠意。」泗水(Surabaya)商工協會會長兼東爪哇省長助理哈迪(Dr. Ir Jamhadi)指出:「新總統佐科威戮力經濟改革,而地處印尼中心位置的東爪哇省,更是勵精圖治的重心。」

經改奏效 抓緊機會共創雙贏

大興土木 基礎建設火速進行
  近年來,東爪哇省大興土木,諸如港口、機場、高速公路、工業區與倉儲等均如火如荼進行,其中以首府泗水及其周邊的TelukLamong港口與國際機場擴建為代表:Teluk Lamong過去僅是個淺水港,未來將成為智慧型深水港,竣工後印尼可直接出口至其他國家,毋須再借道新加坡;原僅1跑道的泗水國際機場,此刻正新建第2條跑道,完成後預計旅客人次可擴增至目前近3倍。

Strategic Location, Ample Resources
Hadi: East Java Accelerates Economic Engine

  The East Java Provincial Administration made four promises to facilitate land provision, supply skilled labor, provide abundant electricity, and streamline license procedure,” said Dr. Ir. Jamhadi, Chairman of Surabaya Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Aide to the  provincial Governor, “According to new President Jokowi’s aggressive reform agenda, the East Java Province has become the focus of Indonesia’s future economic development. We sincerely welcome Taiwanese businesses to participate in the booming market.”

Win-win Opportunity
  In the seminar on East Java’s Investment Environment and Opportunity held at Le Meridien Taipei Hotel on October 19th, Jamhadi encouraged Taiwanese companies to grasp this winwin opportunity, saying that comprised of more than 17,000 islands, the archipelago Indonesia has the world’s top fourth coastline length, more than 1,100 ethnic tribes and 700 languages, abundant natural resources and colorful variety of local traditional cultures. With 40% of the total population and the largest land of the ASEAN’s 10 countries, the economic prowess of Indonesia cannot be ignored: it is G20 member, and its economy size is ranked between 16th and 17th in the world. Although it cannot avoid being dragged by the global overwhelming sluggishness, the country still manages to achieve brilliant growth and thus obtains high ratings from world organizations and market research companies.
  Rich in gold, onyx, dolomite, iron, oil, and natural gas, the East Java Province is located in the center of Indonesia, connecting the capital Jakarta area in the west and Bali and further islands in the east. The province plays the key role either in terms of domestic or
international trade, and it is the gateway to cooperation with other countries. “East Java Province’s population is 39 million, but its service area covers the whole east side which has total population of 1,200 million. Its GDP growth remains above national average over the recent years, and it enjoys trade surplus with the other regions of Indonesia. Jokowi announced his intentions to focus on development of East Indonesia and cooperation with the eastern countries such as Timor-Leste, Papua New Guinea, and Australia. Of course, the ASEAN provides another stepping stone for Indonesia to expand trade with Taiwan, mainland, China, Hong Kong, Japan,  Korea, and other countries in the north Asia. And East Java, without doubt, is the bridge between the regions and countries in the east and ASEAN countries in the west and north.

Vast Infrastructure
  Improvements on port Teluk Lamong and Surabaya International Airport epitomize East Java’s effort to revamp infrastructure. The future Teluk Lamong w ill be a deep and smart seaport, enabling East Java to export directly bypassing Singapore. As the international
airport adds two new runways, it will accommodate triple the current passengers.
  Indonesia’s economy is still at the early stage of taking flight. The middle class is quickly forming. Indonesian people’s income is increasing. And there rises a plethora of small and medium sized companies. The world-famous energetic and flexible SMEs in Taiwan
can provide much-needed help to the Indonesian counterparts. Hadi said that there are a lot of opportunities in Indonesia’s virgin
market, which are still beyond his imagination and waiting for Taiwan’s businessmen to explore. East Java is opening its arms to welcome Taiwan’s investors.