


台灣科技大學 何宏利
銘傳大學 李嘉理
國立嘉義大學 林福嬌
淡江大學 魏美香
明志科技大學 蔡玉萱
國立政治大學 侯美蓮
國立政治大學 林柔含
銘傳大學 李悅恩
台灣科技大學 陳勤慧
台灣科技大學 陳俞縕
國立台灣大學 梁偉尹
國立台灣大學 白碧蓮
輔仁大學 羅水晶


台印尼交流 更上層樓

台灣新政府鼓勵創新研發、 發展關鍵科技,銳意改善 台灣產業競爭力。
在促進台灣與印尼雙邊貿易與投資方面,中印尼文化經濟協會向來扮演一個積極的角色。為鼓勵台商及其產品面向印尼市場,本會與駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處緊密合作,多次促成貿易訪問團互訪。在此更熱烈歡迎我們的新朋友─駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處新任代表羅伯詹姆斯(Robert James Bintaryo)履任,相信在他的擘劃下,台印尼雙邊交流將更上層樓。
本協會年刊內容,涵蓋台印尼雙邊發展所有重要的層面,可以說是海內外企業了解印尼經濟、投資環境、商業習慣與文化的最佳管道,長期以來有助於協助台商探索印尼市場,創造更多的貿易機會。本人誠信,有意拓銷印尼市場的台商,應可在本次年刊所提供的最新動態中,發掘靈感,掌握商機。謹代表本會感謝所有編刊人員順利發行本次年刊,並敬祝大家 生意興隆!萬事如意!新年快樂!

Message from the Chairman

Taiwan’s new government under President Ingwen Tsai is dedicated to improving the competitiveness of Taiwan’s industry by enhancing its capacity for innovation and developing key technologies. Given challenges such as Taiwan’ s environmental protection requirements, changing labor conditions and rising land costs, businesses seeking to lower costs, stay competitive and expand their markets have two choices: one is remain in Taiwan and try to lower costs and increase industrial valueadded; the other is relocate to other countries. To increase the economy efficiency of Taiwan’s businesses, Taiwan’ s new government initiated the innovative “Five plus Two” industry policy. The Asian Silicon Valley plan, for example, aims to combine new Industry 4.0 concepts with advanced information and communications technologies such as smart cities, smart transportation, internet of things, and e-finance, and integrate industrial, academic and research resources. To help Taiwan’s businesses explore overseas markets, the new government is building closer ties with Southeast and South Asian countries, through New Southbound Policy, to pursue bilateral and multilateral free trade and investment protection agreements, enhance exchanges and cooperation, and create strategic alliances for mutual benefit.  Indonesia’s recent ascent to be one of the outperforming economies in ASEAN has made the nation an ideal destination for foreign investment.  The nation surprised with a 5.18% annual growth in the second quarter of this (2016) year, the highest since the last quarter of 2013.  Indonesia, an open-market economy with about 261.58 million of population, abundant natural resources, low labor costs, rising domestic demand and investment incentives, offers significant opportunities for technology-savvy Taiwanese companies. The Sino-Indonesian Cultural and Economic Association can play a pivotal role by facilitating Taiwanese investment and marketing effort in the booming Indonesian market.  The association also has been a strong partner of the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei (IETO) in bringing Taiwanese companies and products to the Indonesian market.  
Together, both parties have successfully organized major trade missions to each other country.  In the meantime, we are also having a new friend Robert James Bintaryo, newly-appointed Representative of IETO.  Let us give him our earnest accolades.  In light of the positive leadership change, there is no doubt that the bilateral cultural and economic interaction will see a new horizon. The association’s Yearbook is a useful tool for businesses here and abroad to gain an insight into Indonesia’s economy, investment climate, business practices, and culture. As it features all the important aspects of the development in Taiwan and Indonesia, it will certainly spawn more trade opportunities and help Taiwanese businesses foray into all corners around the Indonesian market. I firmly believe that through this latest edition of the Yearbook, businessmen setting sights on the Indonesian market will be updated on the latest developments in both countries.  On behalf of all the directors, I would like to extend my warmest appreciation to the editorial staff on the successful publication of this Yearbook.  And wish you all success and happiness, and Happy New Year.