


台灣科技大學 何宏利
銘傳大學 李嘉理
國立嘉義大學 林福嬌
淡江大學 魏美香
明志科技大學 蔡玉萱
國立政治大學 侯美蓮
國立政治大學 林柔含
銘傳大學 李悅恩
台灣科技大學 陳勤慧
台灣科技大學 陳俞縕
國立台灣大學 梁偉尹
國立台灣大學 白碧蓮
輔仁大學 羅水晶


李立:前進東爪哇 機不可失

作者:文 方文章 圖 周伶繁
  台商在東爪哇省投資經年,成果豐碩且不斷茁壯,見證了台灣與印尼有目共睹的經貿與文化往來所帶來的無窮商機。」印尼東爪哇省投資局主任李立(Lili Soleh Wartadipradja) 歡迎台商在既有的基礎上,繼續以東爪哇省為基地,拓銷印尼全國與東南亞國協的廣大市場。他說:「東爪哇作為印尼未來的經濟發展重心,成長可期,切勿錯失良機。」

東爪哇省 經濟成長仍亮眼

地點選擇多 已有台商卡位

Low Wage, High Power
Lili: Time to Invest in East Java

  Taiwanese businesses have been long established in Indonesia and still keep growing. Their success testifies to the prosperous opportunities brought forward by the economic and cultural exchange between the two countries.” Lili Soleh Wartadipradja, Chairman of
Investment Board of East Java Provincial Government said, suggesting that Taiwanese businesses use the province as a hub to market in Indonesia and ASEAN countries. He added that the high potential of East Java, which is currently the center of the nation’s development plan, cannot be overstated.

Brilliant Economic Growth
  In the seminar on East Java´s Investment Environment and Opportunity held at Le Meridien Taipei Hotel on October 19th, Liliemphasized that the strategic location of East Java, which is less developed compared to the eastern Jakarta area, has recently attracted the eyes of international investors because of the new Jokowi government’s plan to balance the disparity between east and west Indonesia. He said that East Java’s GDP grew 5.86% and 5.22% respectively in the past year and the first quarter of this year, higher than the national average of 5.02% and 4.7%. In addition, the unemployment rate of East Java is also lower than the nation’s average, and its household disposal income is increasing, which means that East Java consumers have pretty decent spending power.
  In addition to its young population and still low wage, the East Java Provincial administration has targeted 9 industries - that is, technology and engineering, information and communication, healthcare, ag riculture and agribusiness, fishery and marine industry, business management, tourism, art and craft, and performing art. The government puts tremendous investment in education and training projects to ensure plenty supply of skilled labor in these nine areas. Lili said that East Java can be divided into three “rings”: the minimum wage of the first ring, which includes Surabaya, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, and Mojerkoto, is about US$204, whereas the minimum wage of the second and third rings is lower at about $120 and US$90-100. The last two rings are suitable for labor-intensive industries.

Various Investment Sites
  According to East Java Investment Board’s statistics, there were 266 Taiwan’s investments in the province from 1987 to the first quarter of 2015, with accumulated total value of US$84.8 million. The most invested industries are service, processing, and food and beverage, and the locations are mostly Mojerkoto, Surabaya, and Sidoarjo. In Sidoarjo, there is even a long-established Taiwanese business association. In addition to the above areas which have been densely populated by Taiwanese companies, Lili recommends other
high potential sites. He said that East Java has up to 18,700 hectares of industrial plots in total, and there are therefore plenty of other locations worthy of Taiwanese businesses to discover.
  Lili said that the long history of bilateral interaction provides a strong foundation for Taiwan’s investment in Indonesia, the new “one-stop license” service introduced in January this year will streamline the red tape, and the East Java Provincial government promises to facilitate land provision and availability of labor. All of these incentives combined ensure investment success if Taiwanese businesses can find a suitable local partner to help cut through the bureaucratic system and different local culture. And Lili said that the East Java Investment Board will be more than happy to serve as a bridge between Taiwanese businesses and Indonesia’s local partners.