


台灣科技大學 何宏利
銘傳大學 李嘉理
國立嘉義大學 林福嬌
淡江大學 魏美香
明志科技大學 蔡玉萱
國立政治大學 侯美蓮
國立政治大學 林柔含
銘傳大學 李悅恩
台灣科技大學 陳勤慧
台灣科技大學 陳俞縕
國立台灣大學 梁偉尹
國立台灣大學 白碧蓮
輔仁大學 羅水晶



中印尼文化經濟協會與中華民國工商協進會籌組的2017年印尼參訪團, 於今(2017)年8月底成功舉行。此行,訪問團目睹印尼的經濟活力,也 感受了台商的熱情與經營成就。
本會歷史悠久,推動台印雙邊經濟合作和文化交流,始終一馬當先。此次是繼2014年之後,響應政府「新南向政策」而再度出擊。團員包括本會常務理事邱伯達與工商協進會秘書長范良棟兩位副團長,以及來自各行各業的菁英,一行共25人。包含飛機往返短短5天的行程,除拜會印尼商工總會台灣委員會(KADIN Indonesia Komite Taiwan)、雅加達與萬隆兩地主要的台商組織外,還個別參訪了3家經營有成的台商企業,透過個別參訪與座談相輔相成的安排,達到最短時間內與最多台商交流的效果。回台後意猶未盡,團員們於10月中旬再聚話舊,兩位團員綠能科技總經理林士源與三橋食品總經理陳曉峯更欣然接受本會專訪。此外,Asiabeef Biofarm總經理黃重禮與王彬企業(Ongpin International)負責人王進興兩位印尼台商,亦乘勝追擊,於10月下旬在理事會中分享他們的經驗。本次參訪團的後續效應,仍持續發揮中。
本期年刊對此次參訪團有詳盡報導,感謝編輯委員們的辛勞,更感謝工商協進會的配合無間,駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處、駐印尼代表處與經濟組的鼎力安排, KADIN台灣委員會、印尼台灣工商聯誼總會與萬隆台灣工商聯誼會等印尼各界台商會的熱情接待,以及富崴公司與台美熱能的大力贊助。除了感謝,還是感謝。沒有大家的共襄盛舉,不會有如此成功的參訪團。祝大家狗年快樂,生意旺旺。

Welcome from Chairman

The 2017 Indonesian Delegation, organized by the Sino-Indonesian Cultural and Economic Association (SICEA) and the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce Taiwan (CNAICT), was successfully held at the end of August this (2017) year.  The delegation witnessed Indonesia's booming economic vitality and felt the hospitality and achievements of Taiwan businessmen there. This long-established association always takes the lead to promote economic and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Indonesia.  This year’s delegation, in response to the “New Southbound Policy,” was in fact the second visit following the first in 2014.  Its 25 members include two deputy heads – PoTa Chiu ,Board Director of the SICEA and Liang-Tung Fan, Secretary General of the CNAICT, and elites from all walks of life as well as myself.  During the short 5-day trip, which includes flight times of departure and return, in addition to KADIN Indonesia Komite Taiwan and two major Taiwanese business organizations in Jakarta and Bandung, the delegation also arranged separate visits to three local successful Taiwanese enterprises.  The perfect combination of individual visits and group discussions enabled the delegation to meet with the most local businessmen in the shortest time.  It is so successful that even after returning to Taiwan, members still with good memory got together again at a delicate restaurant in mid-October.  Two members of the delegation – Swean Lin, General Manager of the Green Energy Technology, and HsiaoFeng Chen, General Manager of the Sun Bridge Foods, happily welcomed SICEA’s invitation for exclusive interview.  Besides, two Indonesian businessmen – Chong-Li Huang, General Manager of Asiabeef Biofarm, and Jin-Xing Wang, General Manager of Ongpin International, followed up the delegation with a visit to SICEA and shared their experience in SICEA’s lateOctober board meeting.  As you can see, the success of this delegation is still going on well into the future. This yearbook has a comprehensive report on the delegation thanks to the editorial staff’s hard work.  I would like to thank also the seamless cooperation of the CNAICT, the meticulous arrangement made by the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office to Taipei, the Taipei Economic and Trade Office in Jakarta, Indonesia (TETO)  and the Economic Division TETO, the warm reception by Indonesia’ s local organizations such as the KADIN Indonesia Komite Taiwan, the Indonesian Taiwan Industry and Business General Association, and the Bandung Taiwan Industry and Business Association, and, last but not the least, sponsorship of Foxwell Energy Corporation and Energy Taiwan Limited. I cannot thank you more, for without your kind support and enthusiastic participation, there would not be such a successful visit.  I wish you all have a happy and successful Year of the Dog !