


台灣科技大學 何宏利
銘傳大學 李嘉理
國立嘉義大學 林福嬌
淡江大學 魏美香
明志科技大學 蔡玉萱
國立政治大學 侯美蓮
國立政治大學 林柔含
銘傳大學 李悅恩
台灣科技大學 陳勤慧
台灣科技大學 陳俞縕
國立台灣大學 梁偉尹
國立台灣大學 白碧蓮
輔仁大學 羅水晶


扣緊潛在商機 開創台印雙邊交流


本會繼去(2014)年8月間,籌組中印尼文經訪問團,創造豐碩的成果之後,今年3月再度與經濟部、駐台北印尼經濟貿易代表處合作辦理「印尼投資、貿易暨工業研討會」,引起廣大迴響。在印尼副總統特別顧問主席Sofyan Wanandi帶領下,包括印尼工業部長Saleh Husin 及印尼投資協調委員會(BKPM)主席Franky Sibarani等
印尼,為「東南亞國協」(ASEAN)重要成員國,隨著東協新興市場的崛起,經濟表現亮眼,消費信心強勁,吸引外資前進東協諸國,印尼也將展現更大的企圖心、追求更大的成長。儘管受到出口與投資不振的影響,去年印尼經濟成長率降至5年來新低(5.0%),但專家預測,印尼經濟應已於去年第4季觸底,深信在總統佐科威(Joko Widodo)的新政帶動下,未來整體經濟將有嶄新而亮眼的表現,潛力無窮。


Economic and Cultural Exchange Between Taiwan and Indonesia Chugging Ahead

With the long-established and strong economic, trade and cultural partnership between Taiwan and Indonesia as its base, the Sino-Indonesian Cultural and Economic Association (SICEA) has been committed both to promoting interaction and communication between these two countries on mutual concerns and to helping Taiwanese businesses explore and expand the inherent trade and investment opportunities.
Following on from the great success of our delegation to Indonesia in August last year, SICEA, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and the Indonesian Economic and Trade Office in Taipei co-hosted a seminar titled ‘Prospects and Opportunities in Investment, Trade and Industry in Indonesia’ in March of this year. On that occasion, it was both a great honor and a pleasure for us to welcome a delegation from Indonesia led by the Honorable Mr Sofyan Wanandi, Advisor to the Vice President of Indonesia. The members of the delegation included Mr Saleh Husin, Minister of Industries, the Republic of Indonesia, and Mr Franky Sibarani, Chairman of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). During the seminar, Minister Husin and Mr Sibarani
introduced Indonesia’s latest investment policies and current business environment to a full house of local businesspersons. It was a great success. After the seminar, Mr Wanandi led the delegation in paying me a visit for discussion of further bilateral cooperation.
Indonesia plays a leading role among the ASEAN countries.
Moreover, this group of nations - with its record of continuous economic growth, a huge and booming market and powerful consumption capacity - provides a boost to Indonesia’s further growth in terms of its labor and natural resources. Although Indonesia’s economic growth rate last year slipped to 5.0% - its lowest during the previous five years - as a result of weakened exports and investments, it should be noted that experts reckoned it bottomed-out in the final quarter of last year and forecast that the situation would pick up the pace thereafter under all the policy reforms urged by President Widodo.
Accordingtothe Asian Development Bank, the policy reforms aimed at improving the investment climate in Indonesia are expected to spur economic recovery this year and next after 5 years of decelerating growth. The ambitious reform agenda of the country’s new government led by President Widodo has scored some important early successes, exemplified by the bold measure to reform the fuel subsidy having already freed-up significant public funding
for improving social and physical infrastructure. If the momentum of rapid reform can be maintained and the new President’s administration follows through with policies to bolster infrastructure development, improve export-oriented manufacturing, reduce logistical costs and enhance budget implementation, Indonesia’s growth could be expected to recover to 5.5% this year and 6.0% in 2016.
The structure of Taiwanese investment in Indonesia has changed according to the way in which the trade environment has evolved. From 2010 to 2014, Taiwan’s investment in Indonesia was focused on the field of paper and printing: the total for this period was US$817 million, peaking in 2012 with US$606 million for that year alone. In 2013, attention shifted to the non-metal mining industry and Taiwanese investment in that sector was US$354 million, slipping
to US$115 million in 2014. Taiwan’s major investments in Indonesia have now moved towards textiles, metals, machinery and electronics.
In the light of the encouraging reform policies pursued by the new government, Taiwanese investment in Indonesia is gaining momentum with currently-planned investments rebounding to US$1.5 billion.
SICEA has an abiding tradition of recognizing that the existing mutually beneficial economic and trade cooperation between Taiwan and Indonesia could be strengthened through sharing information such as the latest market trends and on cutting-edge technologies; and that is what this special mid-year issue is
intended to achieve. I sincerely urge all of you to read this special issue in the expectation that its insightful analysis of Indonesia’s economy and industries and its stories of Taiwan’s businesses investing there will provide you with a better understanding of southeast Asia’s biggest market - and thereby help Taiwan’s businesses seize in a timely manner the opportunities offered by the country’s incentive-driven investment policies.